Saturday, February 27, 2010


Hi Jay

 Just want ask you a few things.One i'm not sure but maybe it's one of my chakras.I have been getting this burst of energy feels like to me excitment.It comes from above my belly's very same feeling you get when your going away and your excited.It just comes out of nowhere and I wanted to know why,the reason for it ? Spirit maybe or something question:There was a time when during the day I went to lay down on my bed.Just laying there relaxing,showing no signs of follow asleep.Not even 10mins being there,down at my feet not the whole bed just the end of the bed vibrated a stronge shack and my eyes shout open.Thought that was very strange for that to happen and mostly only down at where my feet were laying,happend twice .It happend again but this time was like mini earth equake.My clock,built into the wall dressing table and window shock and i wake up to this.Now i'm living in Ireland and no mention of earthquake on the news,family didn't even aware of it.What do you make of this crazyness?


Hi, Julie-ann.

People often ask about these kinds of unusual experiences and I'm wondering what is it about them that catches one's attention.  Maybe it is because they are different from what we are used to. Isn't it true that most of the time we live in a set of sensations that we are familiar with, a rather dependable set of sensations, a sort of state of body - like a state of mind - that makes up our ordinary life.  Maybe we can say it is a default state of body that can just run on automatic.  It doesn't require much conscious attention because it is a strong habit.

This state of body probably takes over just after we wake up in the morning and runs automatically all day.  It determines not only our physical state but also our emotions and quality of our thoughts, because in fact all of these are tied together.

Once in a while this state stops while we are awake and we experience something that is fresh, new, alive.  We experience something in a state of freedom and openness.  Then afterwards when the automatic body takes over, we wonder how to get back to that.  But it is the automatic state of body/mind that holds on to being old, habitual, routine, narrow and safe. And it just keeps holding on, even as it dreams about how to get to something more free.  In fact the dreaming is part of the holding on - holding on to self-enclosed, habitual thinking.

To begin to observe what is going on all day long, how this habitual body mind works, the fact that it is trying to hold on, this observing is already something fresh.  Watching, feeling, listening to how the whole body/mind thinks it needs to function - like an experiment with something fascinating but slightly disturbing or like a visit to a new, strange, unknown place.  This is the operation of newness, freshness, each moment.

The more this is observed with awareness, the more the body/mind may come to quiet down in its attempt to control everything and the light of newness may shine more often.  Or it may shine all the time, every moment. Why not? When it is clear how dead and exhausting the habitual body/mind pattern is, why not let it be seen and exposed every moment in fresh seeing?

It does not need to be gotten rid of.  The action of the body/mind is not itself a problem.  It's just like a child who has never been loved and acts in crazy ways.  The child is not the problem. It's the lack of love that it has gotten that is the problem.  So there can be a seeing and feeling of the body/mind exactly as it is each moment without wanting it to be different.  Inevitably as it is seen, there will be change that happens on its own, maybe not immediately or every instant.  But because the problem is that it has never been really seen in the light, when it is seen in the light, the problem changes and becomes less of a problem.

When there is openness and interest in the body/mind, this same openness also reveals the whole wide world at the same time. This world is rarely seen by us because the body/mind mostly shuts it out.  So when something new is seen or felt or heard or intuited, it is unusual for us.

It is not important what is seen.  What is important is only the open space of seeing, itself.  What is seen or felt or heard comes and goes.  The open space of seeing does not come and go. It is always here and it is everywhere.  It doesn't seem this way when the energy is completely caught in the body/mind pattern. Then it seems like space is gone. But the moment this space opens up, it is clear that it is always here and that it is everywhere.

There is absolutely no need to know what new feelings or experiences mean or what to do with them.  If they need to do something, it will happen on its own.  Needing to know is the body/mind wanting to hold on.

I'm not saying there isn't a need to know in our daily life.  Of course we need to know many things.  But at fresh wonderful moments when it is not necessary to know, can the energy just stay with the freshness of what is, in its fullness at this moment, no past, no future, no human world, just this simple moment of cool air and typing fingers?  In this moment the whole universe is complete without beginning or end.

I don't know if I've addressed your question, so please let me know if you have more questions or if I missed something you were saying.

Best wishes,
