Sunday, February 28, 2010


Hi, I have been meditating for a couple of years now. The technique I learned is to focus on my lower belly and attempt to concentrate on the gentle sensations of my breath as I inhale, retain the breath, exhale and hold again in a ratio of 1:1:1:1 (or something like it).  When my concentration moves from my breath I gently focus again on the area just below my naval. This is all I do during meditation.  I was told not to worry about doing it 'right' and that sitting with eyes closed was bennefitial in itself, even without any intentional 'meditation'.

I used to think I was making some sort of progress. I used to feel all kinds of sensations during meditation and when I finally emerged I would feel deeply relaxed and almost as though I had smoked cannibis.  I'm not sure if this was a good sign but it felt glorious and was a good incentive to continue.  

These days I feel a bit like I have lost contact with what I had then.  I seem to loose concentation and get caught up in thoughts more than I used to and that 'stoned' feeling has almost gone.  I'm not sure whether I should interpret this as progress (having realised a restless mind that was there all along) or as a step back (having lost the concentration I had previously).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


Mark, Thank you for your question.

From what your wrote, I would say that you have had some progress but have also reached a plateau in your physiological and spiritual growth.

The technique you describe sounds natural and effective, although it might possibly cause some mental strain unless taught in such a way as to avoid concentration. I cannot evaluate this from what you wrote.

The sensations that you used to feel were probably the by-product of purifying the nervous system, dissolving deep stresses. The fact that they have gone away may be due to these stresses having been dissolved but your technique not being deep enough to get at the deeper stresses that remain.

It may be time for you to consider shifting to a different technique, one that can produce a much deeper physiological state of rest along with increased alertness at finer levels of thinking.

I recommend going for the most efficient meditation technology that exists, the technology of effortless transcending. This produces the fastest possible progress towards permanent freedom from stress and the fulfillment of life in bliss consciousness. Information on Transcendental Meditation (TM) is available at, and information on an alternative technique, Natural Stress Relief (NSR), is available at (which includes a detailed comparison with TM). These are not the only ways to learn, but are probably the best in terms of depth of the teaching and quality of ongoing support.

I wish you success.

David Spector


Natural Stress Relief/USA