Saturday, February 27, 2010

how to meditate


Could you please tell me how to meditate(the technique). I hear people do it but don't know how to do it.



It depends on what your motivation is.  Do you have a sense of what motivates you to meditate and what that might mean to you?

Consider your life. This really means to consider the whole field of habits, of likes, of dislikes that usuallly operate in your life, along with the frustrations, the limitations, the reactions of others to your usual way of living. And consider the deep set of memories that are associated with this, going back as far as memories go, memories of love gotten and lost, of pleasure turned into pain,of things wanted and not gotten and the sadness of the past, of your personal past and of the past of humanity.  

And consider the deep desire in the mind to create a future that works better than this remembered past.  And consider underneath all of this the feeling of yourself as someone ultimately alone to whom all of this problem of what I am, what the past was, what the future should be belongs.

If you are not able to consider these things right away, then sit quietly in a comfortable way, fairly upright, and listen.  Listen to everything that is here right now.  Listen to the world around you.  Listen to what is inside you.  Everything is speaking to you each moment. Sometimes, maybe often, maybe almost all the time, the mind makes so much noise that nothing else is heard but if you continue, there will be moments in which something more is heard, something that is right here.

When this happens, the mind is wide open at that moment. It is fresh and alive.  It forgets about all of the problems of "myself".  It also can see the whole problem of "myself" and not be disturbed by it.  This allows "myself" to be touched by the aliveness of the world and thus change.

Maybe this is enough to say for now.  I don't know if I have addressesd your concerns at all.  Please feel free to write back with questions or clarification of what you are asking.
