Sunday, February 28, 2010

Beginner help

I need some help meditating.  I have tried a number of times but just can't seem to grasp it.  What do you suggest for someone who really needs to learn?

Hello Sherry,

Thank you for your question. Let me first start by saying that many people try to begin a new routine for their lives. New routines can often be daunting because we most often haven't paused for a moment to ask the questions: 1) Will this new routine be beneficial for me and my life; 2) Is this routine attainable; and 3) Am I starting this new routine for me?

If the answer is no to any of these questions, beginning and maintaining a new routine can be very challenging. If the answers are yes to these questions then you are off to a great start. In the beginning, however it is important to set goals such as meditating for 5 minutes a day for 1 week. Then evaluate after the 1 week period to pay attention to whether or not you were actually able to reach that goal. If so, increase the time to 10 minutes for 1 week. If you were not able to complete the 5 minutes per day for the first week, ask what stopped you and be honest with yourself. The purpose of this exercise is not to berate or to beat yourself up. The exercise is designed to shed light on our habits and how often we sabotage ourselves when we are looking to make real change in our lives. In the process, I would encourage you to keep a journal of your progress.

Remember to take one step at a time, be gentle with yourself and congratulate yourself for simply having the courage to begin a new habit for your life.

I do hope that you find this information beneficial. I wish you the best and should you have additional questions, please let me know.

Best regards,

Coninyah B. Dew L.Ac., M.S.O.M.

Acupuncture Stress and Pain Management Practices