Friday, February 26, 2010

What does it mean?

Hi.  I have been practicing mediation for about a year now but don't get time everyday to do it so i quite often do it before i go to sleep (well i fall asleep).  Sometimes if I'm lucky enough to do it during the day i get some small visions or quite most of the time i get feelings.  The other day i sat down with my 3 older kids and and we did it together.  I got a quick vision of a child's foot next to a refill and a pen on the floor.  Just after that i got a flash like a flash went off and i opened my eyes thinking the kids had sneakily got the camera but they were still in the same positions.  What could this quick vision and the flash be?

Thank you.

Dear Stacey

That is like asking me what the color pink could mean. Sometimes meditation rewires our brains and reconnects brain synapses that have gone dormant, which would explain the flashes and the vision. It is difficult to answer your question without more information. If your third eye is opening up, it could be almost anything. Keep meditating, the answer will come.