Friday, February 26, 2010


QUESTION: I was reading one of your previous answers and is it true that mantras dont really work? I mean like mantras to have an actually affect on reality like the supposed to? Is it possible to reach a point where they work?

ANSWER: Jeffrey, Thank you for your question.

I didn't say that mantras don't work. I said that they are only of value as a vehicle for meditation.

It's a little like driving a car. You need the car, but you also need to know how to drive. Otherwise, you're going nowhere.

In any effective transcending technique, two things are necessary: an effective mantra and the effective method for using the mantra mentally.

If you have one without the other, you're going nowhere.

I hope this brief answer has helped. Please feel free to submit follow up questions, if needed. If you would like more information on transcending techniques, see or

David Spector


NSR Meditation/USA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: so waiting, im not sure i get what ur saying. so mantras don't work unless ur in a specific state of mind or something?

ANSWER: Yep. You got it.

Want to know more? Check out all the info at

David Spector

NSR Meditation/USA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: How do mantras work? I mean someone can't just say apple and an apple would appear. Like I know mantras involves frequency and altering them but if it was that simple a lot of ppl could get anything they want.

You are correct. You can't do anything with a mantra that will make an apple appear. The reason is that there is too much stress stored in your nervous system (see

Stress incapacitates us. It prevents us from truly enjoying life. If a person could get rid of all the stored stress, their mind and body would be very powerful. If they wanted an apple, one would appear. This could happen by a friend giving them the apple. It could happen by their buying one at a fruit stand. It would not happen by magic.

The fulfillment of our desires, the goal of life, has nothing to do with magic. Mantras are not magic. If you speak or think a mantra, nothing special is likely to happen. The reason is that you don't have the knowledge to make it work. Suppose I were to tell you that the way a mantra works is that it is easy to forget. Would that make sense to you? Probably not. Yet, it is the truth.

We have to start somewhere. If we want our life to be better, we must get deep enough rest to dissolve the stresses (again, this is explained at

Mantras are not simple to most of us for the simple reason that we don't think clearly and powerfully. Instead, most of our thinking takes place without our being aware of it (that is, subconsciously). We are consciously aware of very little that goes on either inside our mind or outside of ourselves. That is why we have suffering and war and all the other problems. We have a world of weak people (weak because they fail to transcend regularly and as a result accumulate stress).

My message is simple: learn how to transcend. Any question you could possibly have about the mind, consciousness, or self-growth can be answered yourself, once you get strong, creative, and intelligent by eliminating your stress.

People CAN get what they want. But they have to actually learn and then practice regularly. This is not a game, and this is not an intellectual exercise. The fulfillment of all goals depends on the actual elimination of stress, which is easy and pleasant, requiring only a few minutes a day.

It's a simple message. But I suspect that most folks will ignore it until Oprah discovers and recommends it.

The knowledge is here now. People need to wake up and hear it.

Again, please visit or

David Spector

NSR Meditation/USA