Friday, February 26, 2010

tension ,stress

from few days i am not fine! something is disturbing me! i feel something is not right. i am always tensed,i get anger soon,get irritated...not able to concentrate on my studies..i feel i need a change in my life...

Dear Vimal,

Thank you for your important question. You are lucky to be living in a country with several ancient and practical philosophies of the art of living life. Getting angry, irritated, and feeling stressed is ample evidence that you are living your life in ignorance, which means without the regular experience of Samadhi. Only universal bliss has the power to dispel and prevent suffering.

I recommend that you learn how to practice meditation properly. I highly recommend that you find a guru in the Shankaracharya tradition. An example would be Transcendental Meditation, which I believe is available throughout India.

If you cannot find a teacher, you can find effective instruction at

I wish you luck.

David Spector


NSR Meditation/USA